
Awards + Selected Writings
AWARDS 2013 Arts and Healing Network Award

2011 National Endowment for the Arts “Our Town” Grant for The Fargo Project to Fargo, ND

The New School University, Pedagogical Innovation Grant

2010 Top Storm Water Project – Storm Water Solutions—Roosevelt Comm Cntr.

Top Storm Water Project – Storm Water Solutions—Roosevelt Comm Cntr.

2009 Project of the Year, American Public Works Association, Roosevelt
Comm. Cntr.

Santa Clara Valley Urban Runoff Pollution Prevention Program Award—Roosevelt Comm. Cntr

Green Project of the Year-Public – Silicon Valley Business Times—Roosevelt Comm Cntr.

New York Foundation for the Arts, Interdisciplinary Work

American Public Works Association, Public Works Project of the Year Award, Roosevelt Community Center

2006 Winner, Toledo artNET Public Art Landscape Design Competition, with CLEAR and Marpillero Pollak Architects

2005 Public Art Network Year in Review Outstanding Projects (for Dreher Park, West Palm Beach, FL)

2003 Designing the Highline Competition, Advisor Selection Award, for collaborative entry “The High Line: An Integrating Force,” New York, NY

2002 National Endowment for the Arts Grant, “Art and Community Landscapes,” a residency with the National Park Service, Rivers and Trails Program,
Northwest Division

1999 Nancy Gray Foundation for Art in the Environment

New York Foundation for the Arts, DrawingThe Trust for Mutual Understanding, through the Gaia Institute for “Crossing Borders”

1998 Parsons School of Design, Faculty Leave Award

1997 The Trust for Mutual Understanding, through the Gaia Institute for
“Crossing Borders”


New School for Social Research, Faculty Development Grant

New School for Social Research, Faculty Development Grant

1993 Parsons School of Design, Faculty Development Grant

1991 Parsons School of Design, Faculty Leave Award

1990 New York Foundation for the Arts, Sculpture

Artists Space, Individual Artist’s Grant

Organization of Independent Artists Grant

SELECTED WRITINGS 2013 WEAD Magazine Issue #6, Dirty Water, “Valuing Dirt + Water”

2012 Draw it with your eyes closed: the art of the art assignment, Ecit. Paper Monument, Brooklyn, NY

2011 Landscape Design (China), “More than Green,” Vol. 20, #1, 2011, 54-63

2010 Landscape Architecture China, “ Biosculptures”, Vol. 13, #5-New Aesthetics and Ecological Urbanism, 98- 103; and  “Urban Rain,“  104-107

eco, “Veden Taika: Isolo Galleggianti per un Innovativo Sistema di Phytoremediation,” Vol. 3, #12, Nov-Dec. 2010, 30-32

2009 Urban Rain/ Stormwater as Resource, ORO editions, San Rafael, CA

2003 Cultures & Settlements, “The Gift of Water,” ed. M. Miles and N. Kirkham, Intellect Books, Bristol UK and Portland US, publication date Dec 02
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Die Kunst der Zukunftsfähigkeit, “Die Gabe des Wassers,” agenda transfer, Local Agenda 21,
Bonn, Germany

2000 M/E/A/N/I/N/G, An Anthology of Artists’ Writing, Theory, and Criticism, S. Bee and M. Schor, edit., Duke Univ. Press

1999 Natural Reality/Artistic Positions Between Nature and Culture, “Unity, Man,Reality, Nature?”, Ludwig Forum fur Internationale Kunst, Aachen, Germany Poetry New York, Winter/Spring, Cover and 85-89
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1994 M/E/A/N/I/N/G, Forum: “On Creativity and Community,” May 1994, #15.

1992 The Art Journal, Guest Editor, “On Art and Ecology,” Summer, Vol. 51, #2.

1991 The Art Journal, “Is Feminism an Issue for Students of The 80’s and 90’s?” Summer, Vol. 50, #2.